Machine Assisted Artistry

Matt Kornfield
7 min readJul 24, 2024

Some thoughts on, ML, art and content

ChatGPT art, which actually is matplotlib

Intellectual Property + Plagiarism

Who owns an idea? Ask Google, Apple or Samsung, and they’ll show you the billions of dollars they’ve spent suing each other over idea ownership.

Patents are one form of intellectual property, along with trademarks and copyright, that serve to protect creators (and corporations) from having their creations resold without getting their piece of the pie.

In the ideal, defending intellectual property is one of the greatest protections a service based, “celluloid and silicon” society can do to keep itself on top. The United States efficiently grows lots of food, but its post industrial society is one where intellectual property remains one of the few advantages it maintains over the rest of the world.

And what better form of intellectual property than the bleeding edge, GPU and TPU based Machine Learning models, capable of generating images, songs and reams of “written” text.

Well, maybe this is where we’ve created our own demons.

Machine Learning vs. Intellectual Property

A Machine Learning model can be based off more than one algorithm, though the deep learning/ large language model variety are…

