Saw them in concert a few years ago. I love their songs for different reasons, Pandora introduced me in college to them, but came to SCIENCE after perusing their other material. Genius but strange. At the concert, the drum solo they played from one of the songs off SCIENCE was worth the concert ticket alone.
I view albums as the stories of different points in a groups' existence. In some ways I think SCIENCE is their best work, but also the most obtuse. I love "If Not Now, When?" for being accessible (though nothing like SCIENCE), but my favorite will always be "Make Yourself." I worked out at the gym to that album for a good chunk of time in college; the first bars of Privilege get my heartrate elevated still. SCIENCE is not a good workout album from my perspective haha.
Music is I think not just about the artist but about who we were when we got into it. I'm glad it helped you through a tough time; they helped me too.