What Should We Wish For?
What can we control vs. what we cannot
Another poem I thought I’d share that came to me as I was walking in the rain and cold the other day.
I wish the weather were nicer
Though… I don’t think that’s right
Maybe what I really wish
Is for a bit more inner light
For there are always things
That could be improved
But wishes are too easy
Effortlessly, obstacles removed
If all problems were solved
All wishes granted
Would we be happy
Or disenchanted
For each of us is a problem solver
And wishes rob us of that role
So instead of wishing our problems solved
Maybe instead we should wish we’re whole
Whole enough to not need wishes granted
To have the sun within emerge on command
Instead we solve our own problems, find ways to feel
A light of our own, the strength to withstand
So when we wish for things to change
The only focus should be on ourselves
A wish directed at our hearts
Not at the trinkets to line our shelves
Thanks for reading!